What do you provide? We'll have all the basic utensils, plates, napkins, water, etc. along with a fridge to store anything you need to bring.
What days and times are you available? We are available 7 days and evenings a week. Usually it just depends on if we have other workshops or craft fairs scheduled.
Can we make it a party? You're more than welcome to decorate, bring music, snacks and if you're over 21 - feel free to bring wine/beer/mixers.
Do you like kids? We do. In fact one of the owners spent about 6 years teaching swimming lessons and a few years in college studying elementary education. We continue to run workshops in after school programs through Think360, Summer Scholars and Urban Peak.
*Can I bring my own art? You betcha. You can bring a digital file, a PDF, a nifty drawing or choose from our huge library of images. { If you bring artwork the maximum print area is about 8x10-10x14 and all art must be solid black and white. Digital images must be 150 resolution and no photos please. } NOTE: We ask that you bring art or choose art from our clip art books, in order to keep the workshops on time we do not create art on site.
Is the above set in stone? Nope. In fact one of the things we love about screenprinting is that it is so versatile. We're also pretty versatile and chock full of ideas so feel free to ask on any of the above as we can usually find a way to make everything work for your needs.