Please Note: we are also doing our best to uphold legal rights for all artists. Meaning we want to educate everyone { ourselves included } to best practices when creating art.
In a very simplified explanation: you are not allowed to take another artists image (photo, illustration, design, painting, etc.) and make a screenprint from it unless you have the permission from the original artist. Examples include logos from your favorite sports teams, illustrations you find on Etsy, photos from the internet, etc.
Our policy was informed by the following: { 01 } { 2 } { 3 } { 4 } { 5 }
We will do our best to be fair to all as there are some instances that you can "borrow" an image for a parody or fan art or educational purposes. And for personal use we will be lenient, but we do recommend you create your own or use something from our library of clip art images which is made up of a lot of vintage late 1800's to 1950's fun images.
Feel free to send by { } if you have questions on what you want to print.
Image libraries with free images:
French Paper: must be printed on French Paper which is what we use for the Beginning Ink workshop { link }
The British Library: open to use for anything { link }